How Do We Apply the Hyde Theme to Existing Jekyll Site?
18 Mar 2016


This article will describe the process of applying Hyde theme on my existing Jekyll Bootstrap site. And this approach can be used for applying any theme of Jekyll. The main ideas of integrating the 3rd Jekyll Theme are:

  • knowing the basic structure of Jekyll site,
  • knowing the basic workflow of rendering HTML from Jekyll scripts,
  • comparing the code differences between Hyde and your site,
  • replacing code and test.
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A Version Controlled Project Workflow for Requirement, Coding and Continuous Integration
04 Sep 2015


开发团队中,使用Word或者PDF文档,或者邮件来描述需求,可能导致同样内容的文档出现在不同成员的电脑上,进而可能导致 版本不一致。另外两次版本的需求更改,很难进行差异比较(Word和PDF文档不是简单的文本文件)。 一种解决方案是,使用文本文件(比如Markdown或者LaTeX)来描述需求,并将所有的文件纳入源代码管理。 所以,本文描述的这个工作流,将所有的文档纳入源代码管理。同时还将提到:

  • 使用Issue来跟踪需求、变更和问题解决
  • 产品、测试和开发等不同角色如何便捷的使用Bitbucket来提出并跟踪任务
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Introduction of Building Documents with LaTeX
12 Aug 2015


TeX家族是一个专业的排版系统。本文简要地介绍了TeX家族的常见成员,并整理出了LaTeX入门使用过程中会遇到的一些问题, 同时,将演示LaTeX在网页中的集成。最后在附录部分,给出了样式模板的参考代码。

This artical will give brief introduction for TeX and LaTeX, then discuss a few issues during using LaTeX and how to display LaTeX eqation on web page. Finally, a LaTeX template will be attached in Appendix.

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Understand Monads in C#
20 Jun 2014



我推荐阅读参考文献中的英文原文。虽然中文意合英文形合1,但是本文的综述将使用中文,除了部分程序代码,和一些术语、人名 that 我不打算翻译的。

本文对Haskell和.NET中异步Task的理解不够,如果需要了解Task这个Monad的话,请参考Stephen Toub的文章2。另外,本文对Monad的综述都建立在强类型系统的基础上,关于JavaScript中的Monad,请观看Douglas Crockford的演讲。Douglas说“假如你理解了Monad,你就失去了用语言来解释它的能力”3

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How to Make Code of Algo.js Run in Node.js as in Browser
21 Dec 2013

I have planed to run unit test by reading file as the input for algorithm like graph algorithm for a few months (see issue #18). However, it is not easy or effective to read local file from browser, even using FileReader in JavaScript. An alternative way is that we can read file using the file system of Node.js, where we write JavaScript code as in browser.

So the top proiority is making codes run appropriately in Node.js as they run in browser, including the codes of unit tests. I am going to tell the details of this process today:

  • Making codes of algorithm work in Node.js, and
  • Making codes of unit tests work in Node.js, and
  • Introduce CI into my project.

本文描述了我让代码在浏览器和Node.js两边都能运行的过程,略属娱乐。因为就项目 Algo.js 而言,我认为,重点在算法( Algorithm )。至于引入大文本输入测试(参见 issue #18 ),是为了保证算法的正确和高效,以及今后的重构,当然这也很重要。引入持续集成,是尽可能想让一切都是自动化。

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How to Write Iterative Tarjan SCC Algorithm, Part II
23 Nov 2013

In previous part, we talked about iterative DFS, where we use a stack named frontier to keep the visiting order. This time, we are going to look at the iterative topological sort and Karasoju SCC algorithm.

The key idea of my iterative topological sort is use another stack named head to track when we finish visiting all descendant vertex of the head vertex.


今天的重点在于,我们会增加一个栈,名为head。当父节点的所有后代都访问过之后,应该满足head.peek() === frontier.peek()。

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How to Write Iterative Tarjan SCC Algorithm, Part I
10 Nov 2013

During the work on Algo.js, I found there is a limitation on recursive stack size of JavaScript. This series posts describe the way to convert recursive Tarjan SCC algorithm to iterative one, containing:

  • Part I: Iterative BFS and DFS algorithm on graph;
  • Part II: Iterative topological sort and Kosaraju SCC algorithm on graph;
  • Part III: Iterative Tarjan SCC algorithm on graph.

上个月我完成了迭代版的Tarjan强连通算法(参见 Algo.js ) 。这一个系列的文章将解释这一过程和相关代码——包括迭代图遍历、迭代拓扑排序和Kosaraju强连通算法以及最后的迭代Tarjan算法三部分。本文先讲迭代图遍历。

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How to Update Heap in Dijkstra Shortest Path Algorithm
03 Nov 2013

When we use a heap to improve the runing time of Dijkstra shortest path algorithm from to , we may find that it is not easy to keep the heap in heap order just using insert() or delete(). This post describes the update of that heap.

I suppose that you might:

  • know how to wirte Dijkstra algorithm with running time, and
  • know how to use heap.

为了将Dijkstra最短路径算法的时间复杂度从 降低到 ,我们可以使用 heap 。不过迭代中的每一次更新heap的过程,我们需要一些技巧来保持heap的有序性。本文就会指出该技巧,并且解释我在算法代码中的一些变动

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